Early-stage Design Support

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Transform Your Ideas Into Innovative Product Designs

Partner with us to optimize your product design from the start through expert component selection, sourcing alternatives, and Design for Manufacturing (DFM) readiness.

From early-stage design to post-production support, our goal is simple: to be your trusted partner for innovation, efficiency, and success.

Why Choose Supreme’s “Unique” Product Portfolio

Whether you are an OEM or EMS, you’d like to expand your product range to include brands that are not included into your product portfolio. Our goal is to ensure that we are not a “me too” distributor, and that we are giving OEM and EMS companies the opportunity to select components from newer brands that can either complement their existing designs with better cost, performance metrics, lead times, or compliance requirements, or pin-to-pin replace parts that could disrupt your supply chain.

Please review our comprehensive 140+ unique brands listed below or in Franchise Lines, to make the best decision for your product design needs.

Explore our Brands by Product Category

Select Automotive Grade

Ready to Optimize Your Next Design?

Please contact us for your design needs by either contacting our engineering team or global offices.

This is a staging environment